Wednesday, May 27, 2009

It's oh so quiet...

It's been a very quiet week so far, a nice respite from my busy month of May. As I look back on my calendar, today is only the seventh day in the entire month where I haven't been out to see a movie with my family, or been at a meeting, a party, a museum or a group gathering. We were planning to have a family visit to the Metropolitan Museum today, but since Tara has come down with bronchitis, that had to be postponed.

The fact that both of my sweeties are sick at the same time is a bummer, but at least I'm not getting sick - my resilient constitution seems up to the challenge. For the last five years I've been highly disease-resistant, even when I had other people living with me in Houston. Several times both of them would be sick and I'd still be going like the Energizer bunny.

On Memorial Day I spent the day alone, and it felt a little weird to me. I usually don't do well with national holidays, as they remind me of my disconnect with my birth family. Tara was busy shopping for air conditioners, Penny had company over and Lori and Agnieszka were not available by phone, so I spent the day doing laundry and reading through my old journal that covers the period of Dec. 1990 to mid-1995. These dates correspond to graduating from college and saying goodbye to Agnieszka Prime to the start of my relationship with my ex in Houston. It was a pretty pathetic period in my life, I have to say, and I'm not sure why I chose to be introspective about it. But I'm over it now, and moving on to living in the present again.

Yesterday Tara and I went to see Terminator: Salvation, and we both thought it was pretty good. I would say it's probably my third favorite in the series, with T-3 being my least favorite and T-2 my favorite. Afterwards we came home and made pancakes and bacon for dinner, and had a nice, quiet evening.

I've been asked to take on a small freelance assignment publicizing a book on Gaia theory and its relationship to bisexuality and polyamory. It's got me thinking about the possibility of a polyamorous family and what that might look like someday with people who share my philosophies and ideals. I imagine a small group of non-monogamous, romantically committed people living together, supporting each other, raising children and being a part of a larger erotic community where no one has to hide their feelings.

It would require communication with each other at a much higher level than many people may be comfortable with, but we're talking about creating a new kind of family outside the traditional nuclear model and therefore little can be assumed. This model is also built on love, but instead of being expected to remain static, it grows organically over time - changing as people and situations change and involving multiple partners. It is based on the assumption that we humans have a limitless capacity to love each other and should not be required to hoard or ration the love we give and receive. One of the book's central ideas is that the more love that we all are able to give and receive, the better it will be for us as a species, and for the planet as a whole. Just like Burt Bacharach said, it's what the world needs now.
