Monday, April 18, 2011

Passover preparations

So it was a fairly eventful and interesting weekend for me. Puck and I finalized plans for Tuesday night's seder with the family after some uncertainty earlier this week. Puck and I talked about it on Saturday night over the phone and Sunday when I went to their home for a visit. This episode rattles me because after the progress I feel we made last Thanksgiving and Christmas, it feels like a setback. It rattled them because rarely do the parents confront them so directly with their disapproval as they did on Thursday. But hopefully these episodes will diminish as Puck gains more independence in the coming years.

I’m still concerned that I will someday not be welcome at future holiday celebrations and put in a position where Puck has to choose between birth family and chosen family, but we’ll cross that bridge when we get there. For now, it’s enough that we continue to communicate our feelings, intentions and desires to keep our relationship healthy and open.

As for the rest of the weekend – Friday night Angel invited me out to the Stonewall Inn in the West Village, the historic birthplace of the gay rights movement, for Friday night karaoke with a couple other friends. Angel and I did a duet of “Take Me For What I Am” from Rent, part of a suite of several Rent songs that night. It was a bit of a mismatch since she’s an amateur opera singer, but fun nevertheless.

Saturday, I ventured out to do some shopping with coupons I’d collected – makeup at Sephora, the new Fables book at Borders, and some bed pillows at Macy’s. Sunday I took the train down to my office in Princeton to pick up Yoshi and drove to Staten Island to visit Puck and the family, who were cleaning house for Passover. Puck helped me sign up for FetLife so I can connect with people and events in the kink space, like Piper, Ryan, Beth, Dark, Ardella and other people Puck and I both know. In the evening we did the formal search for chametz (leavened breadstuffs) using a candle and flashlights and Puck and I started the next chapter of The Chronicles of Narnia, The Voyage of the Dawn Treader.
